Back in the early days of my contracting career, I used to believe that I had to do plans and estimates for free. I thought that was the industry norm.
Once I learned that was not the case and since that time I've been a very strong advocate of charging a fair price for your design services.
(Please forgive the poor video quality! I sort of goofed on the video settings)
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Back in the early days of my contracting career, I used to believe that I had to do plans and estimates for free. I thought that was the industry norm.
Once I learned that was not the case and since that time I've been a very strong advocate of charging a fair price for your design services.
In this video, I discuss many of these points.
- It is the Number One Path to a Commitment
- Professionals Get Paid for Their Services
- Professionals Work on Building Relationships
- As-Built Plans Are Essential for a Remodeling Project
- Take the Time Needed to Get the Right Information
- Finalizing the Details in Advance Saves Time
- Well Done Plans Eliminate Mystery and Surprises
- Planning Saves Time and Money
- An Informed Client is a Happier Client
- An Informed Crew is a More Productive Crew
- Fewer Change Orders Save Time and Money
- Satisfy Your Client’s Goals with New Design Ideas
- Creative Product Selection Can Save Money (Value Engineering)
- Reduce the Fear and Anxiety of the Unknown
- Prevent Angry Phone Calls from Clients
When you get compensated to do a job and do it well, everyone wins.
To your success,
Dan Baumann