Your Design Dimensions: Size Matters! - Designers Show #127

designers show May 21, 2024
Your Design Dimensions: Size Matters! - Designers Show #127

Design professionals constantly seek ways to streamline their workflow, ensure precision, and adopt industry standards. Leveraging the capabilities of Chief Architect and the expertise from Chief Experts can significantly elevate your design projects. In this blog, we’ll dive into key insights from a recent episode of the Designers Show featuring Chief Experts Kevin Transue, Rene Rabbitt and Robin Rigby-Fisher CMKBD, who shared their deep knowledge on dimensions, NKBA standards, and new features in Chief Architect X16.

Understanding Dimensions and NKBA Standards

Introduction to Dimensions

Dimensions are the backbone of any design project. Accurate dimensions ensure that your designs are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. As discussed by Robin, Kevin, and Renee, understanding the intricacies of dimensions can help avoid common misinterpretations that can lead to costly mistakes. For instance, Robin highlighted the importance of setting up manual dimensions correctly for kitchen and bath plans according to NKBA standards.

NKBA Standards

The NKBA (National Kitchen and Bath Association) standards provide a structured approach to dimensioning. These standards emphasize the hierarchy of dimensions: starting with openings and obstacles, followed by center lines, and finally, overall dimensions. Adhering to these standards ensures your designs meet professional benchmarks and client expectations.

Precision and Default Dimension Settings

Setting Up Precision Levels

The precision of dimensions can vary depending on the project requirements. Kevin and Renee discussed setting precision levels from 1/32 inch to 1/8 inch. For detailed interior spaces like kitchens and bathrooms, high precision is crucial. Customizing your default dimension settings in Chief Architect allows you to maintain consistent accuracy across all your projects.

Updating Templates

Efficient workflow in Chief Architect involves updating templates to reflect your most recent settings and preferences. Renee shared valuable tips on how to update templates while working on a plan, ensuring that any changes made to defaults are preserved for future projects. This practice saves time and reduces repetitive tasks.

Advanced Dimensioning Techniques

Using Default Sets

Switching between default sets for different types of projects, such as remodels versus new construction, can greatly enhance efficiency. Robin demonstrated how using default sets in Chief Architect can automatically adjust dimension defaults and layer sets, making it easier to switch contexts without manually reconfiguring settings.

Minimizing Clutter

One common issue in dimensioning is cluttered dimension lines. Renee suggested minimizing clutter by adjusting reach settings, which control how far dimensions extend to pick up objects. This technique ensures that your dimension lines are clean and easily readable.

New Features in Chief Architect X16

3D Dimensions

One of the exciting new features in Chief Architect X16 is 3D dimensions. As demonstrated by Kevin, 3D dimensions provide a clearer and more comprehensive view of your design, especially for complex structures. This feature helps in visualizing spatial relationships and making informed design decisions.

Automated Callouts and Annotations

The XY position feature for callouts in X16 is a game-changer. It automates the placement and numbering of callouts based on their position on the sheet, reducing the need for manual updates. This automation extends to annotations, where the new annotation tool can automatically generate context-specific notes, saving significant time and effort.

Arrow Types and Global Changes

Correct Usage of Arrowheads

Understanding the proper use of different arrowheads is essential for clear communication in your technical documents. Kevin explained that half arrows should be used for indicating direction rather than attaching to objects. Choosing the appropriate arrowhead style helps avoid confusion and ensures that your drawings convey the correct information.

Global Changes to Arrowheads

While Chief Architect currently doesn’t support global changes to all arrowheads, Renee provided a workaround using the select marquee tool to apply changes to similar objects in specific views. This method allows for some level of global adjustments, enhancing consistency across your project.

Leveraging Chief Experts

The insights shared by Chief Experts like Robin, Kevin, and Renee demonstrate the depth of knowledge available to users of Chief Architect. Engaging with these experts can provide tailored advice and solutions for your specific design challenges. Whether through webinars, tutorials, or one-on-one consultations, Chief Experts are invaluable resources for maximizing the potential of Chief Architect.


Incorporating the advanced features of Chief Architect and the expert advice from Chief Experts can transform your design workflow. By understanding and applying proper dimensioning techniques, utilizing new tools in X16, and leveraging the wealth of knowledge from industry professionals, you can achieve greater precision, efficiency, and professional excellence in your projects.

For more tips, tutorials, and expert advice, subscribe to our blog and RSVP for the Designers Show. Enhance your design capabilities with Chief Architect and the guidance of Chief Experts!



Show notes:

Understanding Dimensions and NKBA Standards in Design | X16 Features and Tips

Episode Description: Join us as we explore the world of dimensions, NKBA standards, and the latest features in Chief Architect X16 with industry experts Robin, Kevin, and Rene. In this episode, we discuss the importance of accurate dimensioning, setting up default dimensions, advanced techniques for efficient workflow, and exciting new tools in Chief Architect X16. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional, this episode is packed with valuable insights to elevate your design projects.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to dimensions and their importance
  • NKBA standards for kitchen and bath design
  • Setting up default dimensions for precision
  • Advanced dimensioning techniques
  • New features in Chief Architect X16
  • Automated callouts and annotations
  • Proper usage of arrowheads in technical drawings

Episode Timestamps:

  • 0:00 - Introduction and Overview of Dimensions
    • Welcome by Robin, Kevin, and Renee
    • Mention of absent members Dan and John
    • Discussion on dimensions, their importance, and common misinterpretations
  • 14:47 - Precision and Default Dimension Settings
    • Discussion on precision levels in dimensioning, from 1/32 inch to 1/8 inch
    • Customizing default dimensions to save time and improve workflow efficiency
    • Live Q&A: Measuring windows and corners; practical tips for default dimension settings
  • 28:10 - Advanced Dimensioning Techniques
    • Clarifying surface vs. main layer in dimensioning
    • Using default sets for remodel vs. new construction workflows
    • Advanced dimensioning techniques and customization tips
    • Live Q&A: Benefits and drawbacks of auto interior dimensions
    • Strategies for efficient manual dimensioning; using tab input for precision
    • Minimizing clutter in dimension lines using reach settings
    • Viewer comments and additional tips for dimensioning
    • Techniques for aligning exterior dimension offsets
  • 41:42 - New Features in X16 and Automation
    • Demonstration of new X16 features, including 3D dimensions
    • Practical applications and benefits of 3D dimensions
    • Introduction to new XY position feature for automating callouts
    • Linking callouts to CAD details and automatic updating of callout numbers
    • New annotation tool for automating annotations
    • Converting text to notes and its benefits for project documentation
    • Viewer questions on custom annotations and practical tips
  • 55:43 - Arrow Types, Global Changes, and Wrap-Up
    • Explanation of different arrowheads and their proper usage
    • When to use half arrows for direction vs. object attachment
    • Common arrowheads in technical documentation and their preferences
    • Creating and using custom arrowheads; practical examples
    • Limitations and workarounds for global changes of arrowheads
    • Submitting feature suggestions to Chief Architect for software improvement
    • Finding references for industry-standard arrowheads
    • Encouraging viewers to seek expert consultation for dimensioning needs
    • Final wrap-up and summary of key points discussed

Key Takeaways:

  • Accurate dimensions are crucial for functional and aesthetically pleasing designs.
  • Adhering to NKBA standards ensures professional and client expectations are met.
  • Customizing default dimensions and updating templates can streamline workflow and save time.
  • Leveraging advanced features and automation tools in Chief Architect X16 can enhance efficiency.
  • Understanding and using the correct arrowheads improves clarity in technical documents.
  • Engaging with Chief Experts provides tailored advice and solutions for design challenges.

Resources Mentioned:


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Dan Baumann

John Schrader

Kevin Transue

Rene Rabbitt

Robin Fisher