Are you crafting the right message for your business? Does it have anything to do with your clients asking themselves, "what's in it for me?" In marketing 101 we’re told to craft our marketing messages from our client's point of view. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes; would you hire yourself? Why or why not?
Many of us get caught up in the things we provide: the amazing plans we can draw or the quality products we supply. These are platitudes at best - everyone is saying the exact same thing.
You don’t want your clients to hear the same thing they’ve heard from everyone else. Let’s take a look at what customers are actually feeling and when they approach a new design project.
Fear - They have heard all the horror stories and are scared to death because they don't know who to trust.
Confusion - They don't know where to start because they have never done a major project before.
Frustration - They don't know what to do and have no idea what the right choices are.
Oblivious to reality - They think it should be easy because they do these projects all the time on TV.
Anger - They are getting into arguments with each other, but neither spouse knows the right answers.
Uncertainty - They have no idea what this should cost and need help with pricing.
Fear of Failure - They want to have a project that will impress their neighbors but don't know tan from gray.
Pressure - They have an event coming up and need it done quickly, and they are already under major stress.
Special Needs - They have important requirements, and so far no one has seemed to care about their needs.
Pride - Unable to admit they can't read blueprints, they nod their heads "yes" as if they understand.
These are some of the emotions that many of your clients face. If you've been doing design and building for a while, read your testimonials for hints of the problems you will want to help solve. The answers to these problems should be your main focus on your website and in your marketing.
The problems you solve for your clients are what drive people to purchase your services. It’s human nature to focus on the things that we do, but the problems you solve are what’s really important, those are what make your clients feel good. I'm guilty of this as well and I’m constantly reminding myself to keep this in mind. I would love to hear what sorts of problems you help solve for your clients. Follow this thread and leave your comments on our Facebook group.
To your success,
Dan Baumann
PS. Join me at the Academy where I'll help take the fear and frustration out of learning Chief Architect and running your business. I help you look good for your clients.