Guest, Michael Anschel with Otogawa-Anschel Design+Build join Dan and John to discuss marketing strategies, such as branding, marketing for awareness or action, and different forms of advertising. How do we make our business known to the general public, or do we try to attract a specific audience? What are the best ways to advertise, and how do you find the time to do it all?
Michael gives us some great insights into what has worked for him, and strategies that could help work for you as well. Know your audience and then find the best way to reach them.
Michael Anschel Bio 0:30
Marketing Strategy 2:05
Branding 3:50
Ads & Generating Leads 17:18
Email Advertising 29:28
Social Media Advertising 34:42
Social Media Advertising 34:42
How Do You Find the Time? 52:35
Q&A 54:18