Time. It’s something we all struggle with, I know I do for sure. It seems like I never have enough time to get everything done!
Unfortunately, the time we get is all the time there is. You’re in the middle of a project and all of a sudden the phone rings, a solicitor knocks on the door or your kid needs something; simply put, you’re interrupted yet again. These interruptions set in motion a never-ending, time-sucking series of events.
And don’t even get me started on how distracting email and texting are! (Arrgghh!) There are dozens of other interruptions that you’re bombarded with all day long. Heck, I’m interrupting you right now! Don’t get me wrong, I really do appreciate the time you're taking to read this.
When it comes down to it, many if not all of us are living in organized chaos, and we’re just doing the best we can to get things done in the time we are given.
On a separate note, for a while, I’ve wanted to create a place for my clients and others who are interested in Chief Architect and Design-Build to come ask questions and share information.
Back in the early days of Chief, I used to be active on the Chief forum. Then I added one to ChiefExperts and it was fun at first but eventually became a major time suck.
As an alternative to a forum, I've started a Facebook group called “ChiefExperts Design Build Academy.” It's a free group where you can come and ask questions, share ideas, voice frustrations, find help and more.
Here are a few of the topics that this group will focus on:
- Chief Architect tips, training, examples.
- Creating better building plans, faster.
- Doing As-Built plans faster & more accurately.
- Getting paid more for quality design services
- Running our design businesses better
- Operating our contracting businesses better
- Cool design & contracting technology
I’m imagining a place where you can find answers to your questions while learning tips and tricks that will save you time in the future.
So now I'm going to ask you to volunteer for yet another distraction. But let me explain because this could actually save you more time than it costs. The Chief Architect community is filled with some of the best people I've ever met. Knowledgeable, caring and smart people. The type of people I love hanging out with.
So I'm asking all of you to please join me in our new group and get involved. Ask questions, share ideas, voice your opinions (in a nice way). Who knows, the ideas shared in this group could end up saving you massive amounts of time.
Just head over to the “ChiefExperts Design Build Academy Facebook” group, click the "Join" button and you'll be all set. Together we can help each other add some extra time to each of our days.
Let's go get em,
Dan Baumann