The Training And Tools You Need To Take Your Chief Architect Skills To The Next Level

New Courses With
A Simple Goal:
"Help You Become A Better Designer Using Chief Architect"
1. Understanding building structures and drawing structural details of buildings
2. Discovering how to draw plans more efficiently and faster, and how to Master Chief Architect
Mastering Chief Architect

Discover the Inner Workings of Chief Architect and What it Wants From You.
To truly use Chief Architect to its fullest, it's essential to understand the program's many tools and their use in the design process. The Mastering, Step-by-Step series is designed to do just that.
Here is where you'll discover how the program thinks and what you can do to get it to do what you want. Follow along as veteran Dan Baumann leads you through each facet of the inner workings of Chief Architect.
Course Contents
Available On-Demand for Instant Access!!!
1. Plan Setup, Templates, Optimizations, and Interface
2. Mastering Chief's 2D CAD Tools
3. Layout Strategies, Walls, Dimensioning
4. Dimensioning, Platforms, Foundations
5. Stairs, Decks & Porches
6. Windows and Doors
7. Cabinets and Kitchens
8. Roofs – Strategies for Automatic & Manual Roofs
9. Roofs – Manual Roof Techniques
10. Layers, Layer Sets, Default Sets & Plan Views
11. 3D Slabs, Moldings, Trim & Solids
12. 2D & 3D Framing, Sections & Detail
13. Electrical, Lighting & Mechanical
14. Assembling the Working Drawing on Layout Pages
15. Schedules, Plan Notes, Renderings, Presentations
16. 2D & 3D Terrain, Plot Plans, Import & Export
This course is for those who want to go more in-depth into the program's many areas. In these 16-sessions we explore many of the program's features specific to a common task.
Handouts, checklists, and other downloads are available for many of the sessions that will help you follow along.
You'll also get access to the Templates and training created by Dan as part of this course.
Course Goals:
This course is for those who want to fully understand the Chief Architect program by doing a deep dive into each section.
At the end of this course, you will know how too:
- Set up and customize the supplied templates.
- Optimally setting up the software
- How the software interface works
- Have a better understanding of how each part of the program works
- How the 3D modeling works in Chief
- How to use the many CAD tools to draw and create elements for your plan
- How to do all types of roofs. Even complicated roofs
- How to assemble your plans on the layout
- Much more......
What's Included in This Course:
- The Plan and Layout Templates created by Dan Baumann
- Over 4-hours of on-demand instruction on how templates work
- Handouts and samples of plans used in this course
- 16-Sessions that show you how to use Chief Architect
Course Contents
Available On-Demand for Instant Access!!!
1. Plan Setup, Templates, Optimizations, and Interface (Recording Available)
In this introduction to Chief Architect, you'll get a firm understanding of how to navigate the inner working of the program. Including an Overview of Chiefs 4 main parts, Optimal Toolbar Settings, proper use of the mouse, things you must know about defaults and preferences, best keystroke shortcut, navigating the menus and icons, zoom tools, cameras, along with essential time-saving tips. You'll also have a chance to download the included templates and get them set up on your system.
2. Mastering Chief's 2D CAD Tools (Recording Available)
Chief Architect is a great 2D and 3D CAD program. It has tools that help make drawing and modeling more manageable, and you'll get more accurate results. In this session, you'll discover the right way to use the many CAD tools. Since everything is Chief centers around the 2D CAD function, it's essential to approach each drawing, understanding how it works and why it's crucial. Knowing how things like snaps, X-Y-Z, trim, fillet, chamfer, and many other functions work in Chief, you'll have a much better understanding of why all of those tools are in the program, how to use them and how they save you time throughout the drawing process.
3. Layout Strategies, Walls, Dimensioning (Recording Available)
There is a right way to start and create a Chief plan, and in this session, you'll discover what it is. Understanding how to dimension your plans and do it quickly is the focus of this workshop. You'll also discover the procedures and the tools used to layout everything correctly for the 2D plans and 3D Models.
4. Dimensioning, Platforms, Foundations (Recording Available)
It's not a 2D world anymore! If you've been in the industry long enough, you undoubtedly remember the days of 2D drawing with pen and paper. Welcome to the digital age. In this session, you'll discover what it takes to create an accurate 3D model for specific parts of your plan. It's a crucial step in creating accurate framing, sections, and elevations.
5. Stairs, Decks & Porches (Recording Available)
One of the great things about working with a 3D modeling program is that it understands floor and ceiling heights, among many things. It knows how to make the calculations for stairs and ramps automatically. You can also create detailed decks and porches, and in this session, you'll discover many tips that allow you to bring them to life.
6. Windows and Doors (Recording Available)
Imagine if you had to create every element of your plan from scratch. Fortunately, Chief gives you the tools you need to add these items to your plan with a few clicks. In this session, you'll discover how to add, change, customize, group, and display these elements for your clients as realistically as possible. Chief Architect also gives you the tools needed to plan and present kitchen and bath plans. Included is the ability to do it with the NKBA drawing specifications. In this session, you'll discover techniques and shortcuts to help you with all of your plans.
7. Cabinets and Kitchens (Recording Available)
Creating great kitchen and bath plans is a breeze with Chief Architect. In this session, we'll discuss the many tools you use to create floorplans, elevations, and great-looking renderings that you can use in your presentations and in your working drawings.
8. Roofs – Strategies for Automatic & Manual Roofs (Recording Available)
The Automatic roof tools in Chief allow you to model many roof ideas quickly. But it's the manual roof tools that allow you to get the final results that you want. In this session, you'll discover the steps to add virtually any roof system to your plan. We'll start by discussing how the Automatic roof tools work. Then show you step by step the process of manually adding, editing, and creating the roofs you want.
9. Roofs – Manual Roof Techniques (Recording Available)
Roofs in Chief Architect are one of the more challenging areas of the program to master. In this session, we'll dig deeper into how you can create just about any roof you want and the processes you can use to figure out different roof types.
10. Layers, Layer Sets, Default Sets & Plan Views (Recording Available)
If you're drawing a simple one-view plan, you probably don't need to use layer sets or plan views. Anything other than that, and you will be able to save a lot of time in the process of creating workings docs with a firm understanding of layers and layer sets, default sets, and plan views. In this session, you'll discover how you can use these tools to create plans much faster.
11. 3D Slabs, Moldings, Trim & Solids (Recording Available)
Just about anything you draw can be a 3D object in Chief. Discovering how to add details to your 3D model allows you to show your clients a much better representation of their getting. With the details you can add, your plans will shine above the rest.
12. 2D & 3D Framing, Sections & Detail (Recording Available)
One of the advantages of modeling your drawing is being able to see how the structure works. With Chief's automatic and manual framing tools, you can also see how the structure gets put together. Getting answers to questionable structural issues can save a lot of money in a project. Your plans will fly through inspections, and your crews in the field will be able to construct your project in less time with fewer mistakes.
13. Electrical, Lighting & Mechanical (Recording Available)
Creating electrical and mechanical plans is one of the easier things to do in Chief. Many built-in tools make adding electrical items a snap. Along with that, you'll also discover essential steps to set up the lights to get the best rendering results. If you need to show other mechanical items in your plan, we'll discuss that, and you'll learn some cool techniques to add items in 2D and 3D.
14. Assembling the Working Drawing on Layout Pages (Recording Available)
Assembling your plans on the layout is often accomplished when everything gets completed. In this session, you'll get an understanding of how the floorplans, elevations, sections, CAD detail windows, 3D views, and more are set up and assembled onto a layout. You'll also discover the importance of layers and layer-sets, default sets and plan views, and how they work with everything that you do. This session includes a layout template.
15. Schedules, Plan Notes, Renderings, Presentations
In this session, you'll see how you can add and customize plan notes and schedules in your plans. These tools in Chief have come a long way over the years and are fantastic. We'll also discuss how you can create high-quality renderings and walkthroughs and some presentation methods that will blow your clients away.
16. 2D & 3D Terrain, Plot Plans, Import & Export
To truly get an accurate plat plan, you'll want to consult with a survey company. But often, you're already working with an existing plat plan, or you need something close that displays your building on the property. In this session, you'll discover how to create accurate plat plans as well as representations of a plat. You'll also learn how to work with the 3D terrain tools to create an exceptional rendering.
Structures - CAD

Defining And Drawing The Structural Elements In Your Projects
In this course, you'll discover how to figure out, draw, and model the building's structural elements. With this process, you'll know how to start and work on your plans to get you to your final results faster.
You'll discover proven methods for asking the questions necessary to get the answers you need to add the proper elements to your plans using the many 2D and 3D tools in Chief Architect.
Enroll For Structures CAD - $297Course Contents
Available On-Demand for Instant Access!!!
Zoom Meeting: Structures - CAD In Chief Meetup Intro. & Q&A
Module 1. Plan Review - What Goes Into a Set of Construction Drawings
Module 2. Defining Project Parameters and Using Chief's 2D CAD
Module 3. Other Structural Elements and Techniques
Module 4. Defining Foundations, Decks, and Floor Structures
Module 5. Defining Wall Structures and Other Structural Elements
Module 6. Defining Roof Structures and Bearing Conditions
Chief Architect is an excellent 3D modeling software. It's also an excellent 2D CAD software. On the surface, it's not apparent how powerful the 2D CAD tools are. This course will demystify that issue as you discover just how robust the program is at creating details.
Most projects that you draw will have unique characteristics that you need to consider when starting your plan. It's sometimes beneficial to establish the details before and during the modeling of the plan. You'll discover how this works, along with many other tips for getting the structure correct.
Course Goals:
At the end of this course, you will know how too:
- Help you to create more accurate plans from the beginning.
- Use a proven method to define your project more accurately.
- Learn how to use Chief's 2D CAD tools effectively
- Discover how to add framing to your 3D model
- Draw and detail 2D Drawings
- Create sections from your 3D models
- Much more......
What's Included in This Course:
- 4-Sessions that show you how to detail Chief plans.
- Handouts, checklists, and samples of plans used in this course
- The recordings will get edited and posted online after each session
- Time for Q&A will be allowed in each session.
Course Agenda and Schedule:
Available On-Demand for Instant Access!!!
Structures - CAD In Chief Meetup Intro. & Q&A (Zoom Meeting)
Join us for this informal meeting for introductions. We would like to find out more about what you want to learn about with the CAD in Chief and answer any questions you may have.
Module 1. Plan Review - What Goes Into a Set of Construction Drawings
Starting a plan means understanding how the building will get designed and built. You'll see how to preplan the planning process so that as you are adding elements to the plan, you'll have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish.
Module 2. Defining Project Parameters and Using Chief's 2D CAD
You'll discover how to approach the plan with the construction details in mind so that as you create the Chief model, it will be correct. In some situations, it pays to spend the time upfront, defining how the building will get structured before attempting to model it in Chief.
Module 3. Defining Foundations and Floor Structures
Whether you're drawing your details in 2D or getting them from the 3D model, you'll need to specify them correctly in Chief. In this session, we'll discuss the various methods used to accomplish this.
Module 4. Defining Wall Structures and Other Structural Elements
In this session, we'll take a close look at how to fine-tune various framing elements in Chief, so you're sure that the structure in your plans is correct in 2D and 3D.
Module 5. Defining Roof Structures and Bearing Conditions
There is a process you want to follow when framing the roof structure. Whether it's hand framed or trusses, there are easy ways in Chief to get the results you want. We'll also discuss how you can make sure that your design will be able to withstand the forces of gravity when it's gets built.
Module 6. Other Structural Elements and Techniques
In this session, we'll open up the discussion to everyone for input and questions. Each project has its structural issues, and we'll explore ways to get the answers you need so you can accurately complete your plans.
Structures - Types and Terminology

Understanding And Defining The Structural Elements In Building Construction
This course is for those looking to gain a better understanding of the many different structural elements, building methods, and terminology that goes into how a building gets planned and constructed.
We'll proceed step-by-step through many examples of building construction methods that will allow you to communicate the structural elements of a project with everyone involved in its construction.
Access Structures Classes - $297Course Contents
Available On-Demand for Instant Access!!!
Module 1. What Goes Into Building Construction. Terminology & Abbreviations
Module 2. Foundations Types and Building Methods
Module 3. Floor Systems and Construction Techniques
Module 4. Wall Systems and Uses
Module 5. Roof System Construction Methods
Module 6. Design Considerations - Setbacks, Building Sizes, Corners, Shapes, etc.
The Structures - Types and Terminology course is for those in the residential remodeling and home building industry that want to better understand the many options available when creating building plans. We'll go through many different examples of building methods and why specific methods get specified.
Course Goals:
This course is for those tasked with drawing construction plans and who lack the experience and/or education necessary to determine what structural methods should be used in a building project. The goal is to help you understand the options available that allow you to be better at making the correct choices for your projects. It will also help you understand the terminology used in construction to communicate better with this in the field.
(Note: This course will not be a replacement for the Uniform Building Code or your engineer. It's up to you to specify the correct information)
What's Included in This Course:
- Access to an online portal where you can access the course materials and recordings.
- The PDF book US Residential Construction Details.
- The recordings will get edited and posted online after each session
- Time for Q&A will be allowed in each session.
Course Contents
Available On-Demand for Instant Access!!!
Module 1. What Goes Into Building Construction. Terminology & Abbreviations
What is the process used in specifying how a building gets constructed? What to look for in existing buildings. We'll also discuss key terminology and abbreviations used in the industry.
Module 2. Foundations Types and Building Methods
We'll discuss many popular foundation types and methods used around the US and details unique to differing situations.
Module 3. Floor Systems and Construction Techniques
What are some of the different floor systems, including standard lumber, "I" Joists, and floor trusses? We'll review beam types, blocking methods, metal hangers, and other requirements specific to floor systems.
Module 4. Wall Systems and Uses
What types of wall systems are available include standard framed walls, ICF, Sips, and metal studs. And other wall construction elements to consider for your projects.
Module 5. Roof System Construction Methods
Roof systems, including standard framed roof systems and roof trusses. We'll look at various methods and the reasoning some use one method over another.
Module 6. Design Considerations - Setbacks, Building Sizes, Corners, Shapes, etc.
This discussion will include items that are not necessarily structural-related but need to get addressed with certain types of building projects.
Creating a Plan in Chief Architect
"Creating a Plan - Quick Start" course for Chief Architect users.
This course is for you if you would like an in-depth demonstration of what it takes to set up and create a full set of plans using Chief Architect so you can stop guessing about the recommended process.
We'll work through the "best practices" methods to create plans using the supplied plan and layout templates and checklist. You'll discover the magic of layers and plan views, and much more.
Create a Plan Available On-Demand - $397Course Modules
Available On-Demand
Introduction, Review of Templates and General Q&A (Zoom Meeting)
1. Steps to Creating a Plan, Chief Templates and Plan Review
2. Creating a Plan Quick Start - Laying Out the Plan
3. Creating a Plan Quick Start - Detailing the Plan
4. Creating a Plan Quick Start - Assembling the Plan
Bonus - Chief Architect Template Files & Training for X12 & beyond
Chief Architect has grown into a very mature software program. It's like six software packages in one and currently has over 1100 icons (tools) in the premier version. It can be intimidating to use unless you know the recommended process for creating a plan with it.
This course will give you an overview of Chief Architect software and how to use it to create a plan. You'll also get a copy of Dan's templates and the training on how to use them, so the job of creating a plan becomes more straightforward.
Course Goals:
This course is for those who want to quickly answer the question, "How do I create a plan with Chief Architect?"
At the end of this course, you will know how too:
- Set up and customize the supplied templates.
- Optimally setting up the software
- How the software interface works
- How to start and complete a plan set and 3D model
- How to assemble your plans on the layout
- Much more......
What's Included in This Course:
- The Plan and Layout Templates created by Dan Baumann
- Over 4-hours of on-demand instruction on how templates work
- Handouts and samples of plans used in this course
- 4-Sessions that show you how to create a plan in Chief.
- The recordings will get edited and posted online after each session
- Time for Q&A will be allowed in each session.
Introduction, Review of Templates and General Q&A (Zoom Meeting)
Join us for this informal meeting for introductions. Since such a big part of the software is based on templates, we want to make sure you have your templates set up to be able to start using them right away.
Module 1. Steps to Creating a Plan, Chief Templates and Plan Review
With a checklist that lays out the best practices for using Chief Architect to complete a set of plans, you'll get a brief overview of the program and a tour of the toolbars, defaults, and other prominent parts of the program. Then we'll dig into the discovery process that makes it easier to start a plan using the included templates.
Module 2. Creating a Plan Quick Start - Laying Out the Plan.
Using the checklist, we'll lay out walls, roofs, and stairs that form the basis of the 3D model and the elements needed for the working drawings. We'll add windows, doors, cabinets, and more, and you'll see how to add these things so they will end up in the correct views for the working drawings. During this session, you'll discover the best practices for the optimal use of the program.
Module 3. Creating a Plan Quick Start - Detailing the Plan.
Detailing your plan is challenging and often the most tedious part of the process. In this session, we'll discuss the best methods to create your section and plan details. We'll discuss the methods used to create details from the model or using the 2D CAD tools included with Chief.
Module 4. Creating a Plan Quick Start - Assembling the Plan.
We'll finish adding items in the plan to prepare them to get added to the layout pages. We'll then assemble your plan's views on the layout, including floorplans, elevations, 3D views, render views, and more. You'll see how some of the automation on the layout work to assemble your plans, so you'll be ready to hit the print button and review your completed plan.
Meet Your Instructors

Dan Baumann
Dan has been using Chief Architect since 1993 when he purchased V1.0 serial #0094. Since then, he's been a part of helping people change their lives with his coaching and training.
Chief is an excellent visualization tool that helps designers and contractors share their ideas through 3D modeling. The knowledge one has of construction makes creating ideas easier.
Dan is excited to share his construction knowledge with those that want to know more about how a building gets put together. Structure + Chief Architect is a winning combination.
John Schrader
John is a "let's figure it out" kind of person. Having been in the construction industry for over 35 years, he has that innate ability to take an idea, roll with it, and get it done.
And that's what John did over 14 years when he discovered Chief Architect and started figuring the software out. He recognized the value it brought to his business and fell in love with it.
Today John has become a highly advanced Chief Architect user and trainer, and he loves helping others learn how they can change the way they do business by mastering Chief Architect.

Package Savings
Take advantage of special pricing by bundling your courses.

Nina Burkholder
Mrs. Boss Residential Design
"Hello Dan and Happy New! I have had one of my best years ever with design work. Thank you for your constant encouragement and all information you put out. I wish you the best."

Margaret Griffith
Griffith Design-Build
"You inspired me to keep on trying new things with Chief. I took your advice and am now loving drawing my as-builts on site. Thank you for the encouragement!"

Kevin Transue
CHC Creative Remodeling
"Dan has helped to give me a deep understanding of how Chief works. His classes are lively, entertaining, and always very educational. I highly recommend all of the online and live training that Dan provides."

Kevin Kofron
Kofron Builders Inc.
"It was a great class with lots of education in so many ways. Thanks, Dan, for a job well done. And to all of my classmates for a fun and relaxing environment."

Holly Andrews
Elements Architectural Design
"Dan, your templates have been a game-changer for me. The plan template wowed me, and then I started using the layout template and was blown away again. I appreciate all the time you invested as they have revealed features I never knew existed."

David Potter
DJP Designs
"I learned how to use my Architectural Software (Chief Architect Premier) from Dan's VHS video tutorials back in 1995. He was and is ready and willing to help and answer my Architectural questions. An experienced, former contractor, and Teacher, he is an indispensable resource to our culture and nation."
I have a few questions about the classes.
How do I add multiple people in my company to these courses?
What version of Chief Architect is needed?
What should I do if I already have templates?
How do I upgrade from the Mastering Chief Architect X6 course that I purchased?
Can I combine multiple offers later?
Satisfaction Guarantee
What is it? The "Try-It and Like-It" Money-Back Guarantee is our way of ensuring your complete satisfaction with your purchase. If you are not satisfied after the completion of the first two sessions in a course, let us know before the 3rd session starts, and we will give you a full refund.